Avoiding Burnout or Depression at Christmas, Part 2
In my last post, we looked at Christmas burnout, and this post continues to explore that theme. What is the root cause of all the burnout and depression at Christmas? Do we have any idea?
In my last post, we looked at Christmas burnout, and this post continues to explore that theme. What is the root cause of all the burnout and depression at Christmas? Do we have any idea?
Spirituality and depression are not discussed together too often, but probably they should be! Some might even see spirituality as potentially banishing depression, but the relationship between the two is not nearly that simple. We often tend to see spirituality in terms of light, and…
Lasting help for depression is closely tied to hope, and symbols of hope are among our greatest treasures. This week saw the passing of Nelson Mandela, who was an incredible symbol of hope for much of the human race. The unbelievable intensity of the gratitude to Mandela…
For the /a-midlife-transition, help for depression is inextricably bound up with a person's unique individuality and the reality of the unconscious mind. As James Hollis writes, depression can feel like a well with no bottom, but from a Jungian perspective, intrapsychic depression is a well…
It might seem very strange to focus on help for depression in summer, when summer itself is supposed to be the cure for depression. But here's the thing: for many people--it's not.
If I'm going to get help for depression that really makes a difference, I'm going to need to come to terms with the real me. Self understanding and self acceptance are often key elements in lasting, long-term help for depression.
It's essential for someone to seek help for depression but a person experiencing situational depression may well need more than treatment of depression symptoms. True help for depression takes account of the symptoms, but looks at the meaning of the depression for the whole person.
It's essential to acknowledge the existence of depression, and to face it head on. Very often, people try to avoid the reality of their depression, or to talk themselves out of it. However, the only way to truly be able to come to terms with…
Sometimes, major life transitions are just overwhelming. We can have a certain image, idea or feeling of ourselves and our life situation, and then find out that it gets completely undone by some development or crisis in our lives.
Does anyone really know what helps depression during major life transitions? The surprising answer is yes. It has a lot to do with giving attention to what the particular depression may be trying to tell us. It may come as a surprise to many to…