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    My Services

    My services are all related to the general process of the “Journey to Wholeness” or what Jungians call the process of individuation. They are all various entry points to individual depth psychotherapy.

    For some individuals, issues such as anxiety or depression may be the big front-and-center issue. For others, it may be issues such as the person is undergoing a Major Life Transition, is going through Midlife Transition, or is undergoing the changes associated with Later Life Transition. For others, it may issues related to adequately valuing and respecting our own individual life and journey. Others may find issues of meaning or spirituality have a central place.

    Below are links that connect you to all these various points of entry to Jungian depth psychotherapy.

    Jungian Therapy

    Jungian therapy emphasizes awareness of the conscious and unconscious parts of ourselves. This healing approach to the whole human meets the needs of many modern people.

    Major Life Transitions

    All individuals can and do undergo major life transitions. Such transitions often involve a profound journey of psychological change.

    Midlife Transition

    In the second half of life, starting at mid-life, life's focus often changes. What, at this stage in life, is meaningful or valuable? How can one be true to oneself?

    Anxiety Therapy and Counselling

    When it comes to treating anxiety, research shows that therapy is usually the most effective option.


    Depression appears in many different forms.  Good psychotherapy has to respond to the individual’s experience and needs.

    Grief & Bereavement Counselling

    The process of adapting to a loss can dramatically change from person to person.

    “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will ;call it fate.” 
    ~C.G. Jung

    Reach out to me today!

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    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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