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  • Jungian Psychotherapy for Midlife Issues

    Of the available options for dealing with midlife issues, why choose Jungian case studies?  The answer hinges on how we understand midlife, that period from the mid-/ later 30s, to the late 50s.

    help for midlife issues

    While the phrase “midlife crisis” is cliché, there is nonetheless a great deal of psychological change and adjustment that goes on in this part of life.  The individual can either deny this, in which case, life risks lapsing into sterility, or these changes can be confronted and embraced, and a new orientation discovered.

    Here are some of the factors that make Jungian case studies particularly appropriate for midlife issues.

    • Jung Stressed the Importance of Midlife

    Jung paid enormous attention to the midlife period in human life.  Subsequent Jungians have followed in his footsteps.  Midlife was a vitally important period in Jung’s own life, and his psychology emphasizes the unique character of the changes at midlife.


    • Jungian Psychotherapy has an In-Depth Understanding of Midlife

    A Jungian approach is extremely sensitive to developments in middle life.  It recognizes fully that values and priorities that have sustained the individual previously are undergoing renewal, and that a whole new approach to life may be emerging.

    • Jung’s Approach Emphasizes the Individual Journey

    Jungian case studies never loses sight of the importance of the unique journey of the individual.  A Jungian approach always looks for, emphasizes and honours the factors that make a person unique. It acknowledges that the dilemmas that an individual experiences are going to have to be met by an individual and unique solution — not “one size fits all”.

    • Jungian Psychotherapy Takes the Unconscious Seriously

    In addition to the conscious parts of the human being, there is much that is going on in the unconscious.  Some of these things may emerge at midlife, in one form or another.  Understanding and coming to terms with these elements of the self is often essential for healing at midlife.

    • Depth Psychotherapy Affirms that Midlife is Meaningful

    Often the struggles at midlife can make life seem like chaos.  A Jungian approach emphasizes that meaning is trying to emerge, and, if nurtured, will emerge, in the individual’s life. Thus, it offers concrete hope for the individual.

    What is Trying to Emerge for You at Midlife?

    If you are entering, in, or moving beyond midlife, what is trying to emerge in your journey at this time?  What are your individual concerns?  I would welcome your comments and questions.

    Wishing you a vital and meaningful middle passage on your journey toward wholeness,

    Brian Collinson, Psychotherapist & Jungian Analyst

    To Main Website for Brian’s Oakville and Mississauga Practice



    PHOTO CREDIT:  © Peter Chigmaroff |
    © 2011 Brian Collinson
    2238 Constance Drive, Oakville, Ontario (near Oakville / Mississauga border)

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