Personal Myth: The Healing Power of Finding My Own Story
Life can be very chaotic at times. It can be easy to get lost in the mass of details, and the idea of finding your "personal myth" can seem pretty pretentious.
Life can be very chaotic at times. It can be easy to get lost in the mass of details, and the idea of finding your "personal myth" can seem pretty pretentious.
The Persephone myth conveys a natural movement in psychological life For Persephone, it is only as she is detached from her familiar world, and descends to the Underworld that she can bring the blessing and the gift of the seasons, of new green life, and…
As individuals, we at New Year are confronted with the problem of the death and renewal of our own conscious attitude, with the very deep level question of "What is meaningful for me now?" and "On what foundation can I base my life, as I…
Work-life issues are not properly analyzed in terms of financial cost-benefit or markets. They are only properly analyzed in terms of individual decisions, and in terms of what the individual values in his or her life. Individuals can't offload their responsibility to find a personal…
In this post, I would like to try and say something about the places in which I believe I really found some sources of resilience. If I had to point to one single characteristic of this small group of therapists that helped me more than…