Later Life Transition
There are many changes in our life journey as we move into our later years. These changes can be profoundly disorienting, but they may also offer the opportunity for deep personal growth and spiritual development.
One of the things that complicates the understanding of later life in our society, is ageism. Our society exalts and values everything to do with youth. As a result, it often devalues older adults and places a high premium on "staying young".
There is very little realization in our culture that there are unique and important psychological and spiritual journeys that the older adult can and must undertake. There is also almost no recognition that older adults have a distinct wisdom that they bring, and a unique contribution that they can make.
What is emerging for you as you draw near or enter into the later years? Are there particular challenges or difficulties that you face, perhaps from family relationships, health issues or changing circumstances? What is trying to emerge in your life at this time, out of your particular life experience? Working with an experienced and supportive Jungian depth psychotherapist may offer a great deal of insight and clarity about this most important time in your life.