Depth Psychotherapy Heals

The research paper that I have linked to below is both striking and very important. It provides strong empirical evidence of the effectiveness of “psychodynamic case studies”. That’s a technical term for those forms of case studies, like the Jungian approach, which:
take the unconscious dimension of individuals seriously;
seek to relate to the unconscious in the therapy process;
focus on affect and expression of emotion;
identify recurring themes and patterns; and,
consider past experience.
In this study, Shedler’s “Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy”, evidence shows psychodynamic therapies to have a treatment effect as large as those reported for other therapies whose proponents stridently proclaim them to be “empirically supported” and “evidence based.” What is particularly noteworthy, though, is that people who receive psychodynamic therapy maintain therapeutic gains and appear to continue to improve after treatment ends. The study also tends to indicate that non-psychodynamic therapies may be effective in part because the practitioners who are the most skilled at using those methods bring techniques into their practice that essentially originated in the theory and practice of psychodynamic case studies. The researcher makes it clear that any perception that psychodynamic approaches lack empirical support “does not accord with available scientific evidence.”
These results, while not entirely new, are very striking. They are worthy of very careful consideration by the therapeutic profession as a whole.
I’d gratefully welcome your comments and reflections on any of your experiences with Jungian or other forms of depth psychology.
My very best wishes to you on your individual journey to wholeness,
Brian Collinson, Psychotherapist & Jungian Analyst
PHOTO CREDIT: © Cristi111|
© 2010 Brian Collinson
Interesting the results on drug therapy – just atrocious. And yet how the drug companies and corporate value system we have in US has have pushed it like anti-depressants are the healing waters of Bernadette.
I’ve come to distrust more and more academia given so much bias that so many so-called “experts” are willfully blind too. And these often are well-respected scholars and leaders in the establishment. I suppose Jung did the same by breaking with Freud.
Thanks for the link to the research paper Brian. It makes it easier to break away from the official “adopted” views – so important in order to achieve real psychological growth.