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  • Jungian Psychotherapy & Personal Growth

    personal growth

    Personal growth isn’t something you hear Jungian case studies speak about very much.  I got to really wondering, “Why not?  You hear it all the time from self-help gurus, etc.”  That got me thinking.  It’s not that /a-midlife-transition opposes personal growth — far from it.  I think that the real reason is that what personal growth means from this perspective is very different from what lots of other people mean when they use the term.

    “Personal growth” now has quite a conventional meaning — but the reality may be something rather different.

    • Real Personal Growth Isn’t What Everyone Expects

    Often, when people talk about “personal growth”, you sense  that they have a very definite idea of what everyone has to do.  A definite roadmap that everybody has to follow.  Actually, growth is much more individual than that.  Each person has a unique path that they have to uncover and follow.  It’s not “what everyone expects“: it’s a very individual discovery.

    • True Growth is Not Ego Centred

    Depth case studiess are wary of the “PG” phrase, fearing that people will think they refer to something that just involves the conscious mind and ego.  But real personal change involves more than an ego project, like “I will conquer my shyness and become a top salesperson”, or, “I will quit smoking”.  Real growth involves encountering parts of ourselves which we don’t acknowledge — and letting them change our self-perceptions, and our actions.

    • Personal Growth Involves Major Psychological Change

    When people talk about “PG”, it often sounds like the change involved is measured and incremental.  But depth work can result in a major change of perspective, and a different relationship to the fundamental things in your life.

    • Personal Growth May Mean Never “Having It All Together”, but it Will Mean, Well… Growing!

    In much self-help literature, you get the sense that, even though the author may not explicitly say so, there is a bright line distinction between those who have “arrived” at the new understanding / condition / awareness, and others.  Actually, it’s not that way.  There may be a distinction between those who are growing, and those who are not, but there is no “arrival”.  So long as we’re alive, we’re on a personal journey.

    What does personal growth really mean to you? I’d welcome your comments.

    Brian Collinson, Psychotherapist & Jungian Analyst | Oakville, Burlington and Mississauga Ontario



    PHOTO: © Yuri Arcurs |
    © 2011 Brian Collinson
    2238 Constance Drive, Oakville, Ontario (near Mississauga)


    1. Personal growth
      August 10, 2011 at 8:42 am -

      thanks for your nice article about Personal growth. It helps me for research.

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